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środa, 25 września 2024 16:22
Reklama KD Market

Science minister outlines plans for 2014

The development of an efficient EU science funding management system, the introduction of a package promoting the humanities and the better preparation of students to cope on the labour market are among the Science Ministry's priorities for the coming year.

Presenting her ministry's plans at a press conference Thursday Science Minister Lena Kolarska-Bobinska said that one of the major tasks will be constructing a system enabling the effective employment of EU science funding. She added that for this purpose the ministry planned to launch an Innovative Science - Innovative Economy programme.

Kolarska-Bobinska explained that the funding management system was necessary as universities and researchers were currently "at a loss" as to the proper employment of EU funds.

"We have these large means to use, but this calls for cooperation between science, enterprise and the government. EU funds can make our economy innovative, but only if this cooperation becomes a fact", she said.

Kolarska-Bobinska also announced steps to streamline academic education with market needs.

"Our aim is for universities to stop producing students who cannot find a place on the labour market. To stop producing new unemployed", she said. She also informed about a special humanities package, its content to be decided at a round table meeting with academic representatives.

Kolarska-Bobinska informed that an amended law on higher education should be ready in June.

Infrastructure and Development Minister Elzbieta Bienkowska, who was also present at the conference, said that the government planned to raise R&D outlays to 2 percent GDP by 2020. (PAP)


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