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sobota, 28 września 2024 20:38
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"Le Figaro": zidentyfikowano sprawców ataku na "Charlie Hebdo"

Trzej podejrzani o zorganizowanie środowego zamachu na francuski tygodnik "Charlie Hebdo" zostali zidentyfikowani przez policję, lecz pozostają na wolności - podał dziennik "Le Figaro".
Policja zna imiona, nazwiska i daty urodzenia sprawców napadu - podaje francuski dziennik internetowy "Info Metronews".

"Chodzi o trzech mężczyzn w wieku 18, 32 i 34 lata. Dwaj trzydziestolatkowie, narodowości francuskiej, są braćmi, nazywają się Said i Cherif K." - pisze dziennik, powołując się na policję.

Nie jest jeszcze znana narodowość trzeciego napastnika; policja podaje, że nazywa się on Hamyd M. Według lokalnej prasy pochodzi z Reims, dokąd wysłano już siły specjalne.

Cherif K. jest dobrze znany policji. W roku 2005 był sądzony za przynależność do organizacji zajmującej się wysyłaniem przyszłych dżihadystów do Iraku.(PAP)

fot.Felix Zahn/EPA

Zamieszczone na stronach internetowych portalu materiały sygnowane skrótem „PAP” stanowią element Codziennego Serwisu Informacyjnego PAP, będącego bazą danych, którego producentem i wydawcą jest Polska Agencja Prasowa S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Chronione są one przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2001 r. o ochronie baz danych. Powyższe materiały wykorzystywane są przez Alliance Printers and Publishers na podstawie stosownej umowy licencyjnej. Jakiekolwiek ich wykorzystywanie przez użytkowników portalu, poza przewidzianymi przez przepisy prawa wyjątkami, w szczególności dozwolonym użytkiem osobistym, jest zabronione.

Flowers was placed in front of the French Consulate in Istanbul

Flowers was placed in front of the French Consulate in Istanbul

epa04549889 Flowers and a note reading 'Je suis Charlie' (I am Charlie) is placed in front of the French Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, 07 January 2015, as a reaction to an attack on French magazine 'Charlie Hebdo'. Masked gunmen with automatic rifles killed 12 people at the Paris headquarters of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had angered Muslims two years ago by publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Speaking at the scene of the assault, French President Francois Hollande said the shooting was a 'terrorist attack' and that the government had raised the alert level in the capital to the highest as police hunt for the gunmen, who escaped after the shooting. French media said two policemen were killed in the shooting, which lasted several minutes after the gunmen entered the magazine's offices and started firing. Four people were injured, and Hollande said the death toll could rise. EPA/SEDAT SUNA

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

epa04549916 People hold a candle light vigil as thousands gather silently on 'Place de la Republique' in central Paris hours after the attack by masked gunmen on the 'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters in Paris, France, 07 January 2015. According to news reports, 12 people have been killed in a shooting attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris earlier the same day. Sign reads 'I am Charlie'. EPA/IAN LANGSDON

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

epa04549922 People silently gather on 'Place de la Republique' in central Paris hours after the attack by masked gunmen on the 'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters in Paris, France, 07 January 2015. According to news reports, 12 people have been killed in a shooting attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris earlier the same day. Signs reads 'I am Charlie' (R) and 'Journalism students show solidarity' (L). EPA/IAN LANGSDON EPA/IAN LANGSDON

Tribute in Brussels to the victims of the French satirical magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' attack in Paris

Tribute in Brussels to the victims of the French satirical magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' attack in Paris

epa04549929 People pay tribute to the victims of a shooting at the French satirical magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' in Paris, at place du Luxembourg in Brussels, Belgium, 07 January 2015. Two masked gunmen with automatic rifles killed 12 people at the Paris headquarters of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had angered Muslims two years ago by publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. Speaking at the scene of the assault, French President Francois Hollande said the shooting was a 'terrorist attack' and that the government had raised the alert level in the capital to the highest as police hunt for the gunmen, who escaped after the shooting. French media said two policemen were killed in the shooting, which lasted several minutes after the gunmen entered the magazine's offices and started firing. Four people were injured, and Hollande said the death toll could rise. EPA/JULIEN WARNAND

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

epa04549930 A shop displays a cover of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo on its shop window as a sign of mourning, hours after the attack by masked gunmen on the 'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters in Paris, France, 07 January 2015. According to news reports, 12 people have been killed in a shooting attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris earlier the same day. Sign reads: 'Whole Paris in mourning, Whole Paris for Freedom of expression'. EPA/IAN LANGSDON

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine, police say

epa04549939 People hold placards reading 'Je suis Charlie' (I am Charlie) during a silent gathering in Nice, southern France, 07 January 2015, after the attack by masked gunmen on the satirical magazine 'Charlie Hebdo' headquarters in Paris earlier the same day. According to news reports, 12 people have been killed in the shooting attack. EPA/SEBASTIEN NOGIER

Rally in tribute to the victims of Charlie Hebdo attack, in Geneva

Rally in tribute to the victims of Charlie Hebdo attack, in Geneva

epa04549982 People hold a paper with a Charlie Hebdo cover during a rally in solidarity with the killed Charlie Hebdo employees, in Lausanne, Switzerland, 07 January 2015. Two masked gunmen with automatic rifles killed 12 people at the Paris headquarters of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, which had angered Muslims two years ago by publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. The government had raised the alert level in the capital to the highest as police hunt for the gunmen, who escaped after the shooting. EPA/LAURENT GILLIERON

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