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czwartek, 26 września 2024 16:59
Reklama KD Market

Maidan victory beginning of Ukraine's road to democracy - president

We must do all in our power to support democratic forces in Ukraine in the runup to and during the elections, President Brosnislaw Komorowski said Sunday in Warsaw commenting recent government changes in Ukraine. 

On Sunday the Ukrainian Parliament voted to transfer to-date President Viktor Yanukovych's duties to Oleksander Turchinov, elected speaker on Saturday. Yanukovych, whom the parliament ousted from office on Saturday, has abandoned the capital for eastern Ukraine and has denounced the move as a "coup d'etat".

A national unity government is to be formed by Tuesday and a presidential election has been set for May 25.

The changes have come in the wake of last week's heavy clashes between EU supporters and police, which escalated from mass protests launched after Ukraine's November renouncement of an EU association agreement in favour of closer ties with Russia.

Komorowski said democratic change in Ukraine needed support, with special attention on the forthcoming elections. Referring to the recent months' mass protests on Kiev's Independence Square (Maidan), Komorowski admonished that the protesters' present victory was only the beginning of the country's struggle with its interior problems, which he called Ukraine's "worst enemy".

"The Maidan victory is not the end but the beginning of Ukraine's struggle with its fiercent enemy - internal troubles, especially economic. Overcoming barriers which hamper economic growth will be Ukraine's biggest challenge. Without it (Ukrainians - PAP) will never gain confidence in democracy and the EU", Komorowski said at a meeting with representatives of Ukraine-aiding organisations in Warsaw's Belvedere Palace.

According to Polish MEPs currently on an EP mission in Kiev, the present situation offered chances for rebuilding democracy in Ukraine. The MEPs noted, however, that Russia's response to developments in Ukraine carried an element of risk.

According to Jacek Saryusz-Wolski Russia may try to put economic pressure on Ukraine by refusing earlier-granted financial aid, raising gas prices and demanding immediate repayment of the country's debts to Russia. Saryusz-Wolski added that Russia may also attempt to sow social unrest in the eastern part of Ukraine and the Crimea.

Another Polish MEP in Kiev, Jacek Kurski from the rightwing group Solidary Poland (SP), said a Russian reaction to developments in Ukraine was to be expected. Kurski suggested that Russia could strive to convince Ukraine's Russian-speaking population that their situation was endangered and that a Russian intervention was necessary.

Leftwing MEP Marek Siwiec told PAP that the "Ukrainian revolution was accomplished" and there was no more danger of violence. He added that Ukrainians now faced reforms aimed at consolidating democracy in the country. (PAP)

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