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środa, 25 września 2024 08:22
Reklama KD Market

56 year-old sets himself ablaze near PM’s office

A 56 year-old man has been rushed to hospital after setting himself on fire outside the Prime Minister’s Office in Warsaw.

The incident occurred at 11.15 CET, Wednesday, police spokesman Mariusz Mrozek told the PAP news agency.

It is currently unknown why the unidentified person set himself ablaze, though eye witnesses from a trade union picket near the offices of Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that a man sat on a bench, pulled out a bottle from his bag and doused himself with a flammable liquid and then set fire to himself.

Bystanders rushed to pour water over the man.

“His hands, his head, were badly burned,” one told the TVN24 news station.

“He had nothing with him, no [protest] banner, he didn’t speak, just sat down,” the witness added.

Another witness however claimed to hear the man talking to himself, quietly, about the “situation in the country”.



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