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piątek, 27 września 2024 04:25
Reklama KD Market

“Doctor Trusted” couldn’t be trusted

Do you ever shop online for health products, like dietary supplements? Maybe you’ve seen various seals and certificates on sites you visit — showing that a site is secure, or that products on the site have been tested and evaluated. You’d think you could trust those seals and certificates — but unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

The FTC recently announced a settlement with SmartClick Media, a company that sold deceptive “Doctor Trusted” health seals to over 800 websites.
When people clicked on the seal, they were told products were “carefully evaluated by an independent medical doctor,” and the website was making “reasonable science-based health claims.” In reality, the seals were meaningless, according to the FTC. The agency found that two doctors were paid to quickly review the sites, but they didn’t evaluate any of the products for safety or effectiveness.

That wasn’t SmartClick Media’s only deception, the FTC says. The company also misled people by promoting its own site,, as an independent blog with unbiased advice on health products. But it was really just a bunch of ads for health products in disguise. And SmartClick Media made money from people clicking on or buying from the site.

So what’s the takeaway? Don’t rely on a seal or a lifestyle blog alone when making decisions about whether to trust the quality and safety of health products. Do some research, and ask your doctor before taking dietary supplements that you find online — or in a store

by Aditi Jhaveri
Consumer Education Specialist, FTC


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ReklamaDazzling Dentistry Inc; Małgorzata Radziszewski