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piątek, 27 września 2024 12:23
Reklama KD Market

Polish activist announces hunger strike over constitutional crisis

One of the founders of Polish NGO the Committee for the Defence of Democracy (KOD) is to carry out a hunger strike in response to the prime minister's refusal to publish a ruling by the Constitutional Tribunal.


“I took the decision today that if the ruling is not published, I will start an indefinite hunger strike,” Andrzej Miszk stated.

Miszk said he will carry out the strike in a tent outside Prime Minister Beata Szydło's office, a focal point for protesters since Wednesday's ruling was rejected by the Law and Justice government.

Thousands protested in several Polish cities over the weekend in support of the court, which had rejected reforms voted through parliament concerning how the tribunal functions. The court's ruling is only binding if published by the prime minister.

However, in spite of recommendations by European Council watchdog the Venice Commission on Friday, Law and Justice party head Jarosław Kaczyński said on Monday evening that “nothing will be published.”

He argued that the decision of the court, which was made by 12 judges rather than the 13 specified in Law and Justice's amendments, is “the private standpoint of a group of certain people who happen to fulfil the functions of judges of the Constitutional Tribunal.”

Meanwhile, Miszk has stressed that he is not going to encourage other protesters to go on a hunger strike, and that he will appeal to colleagues for medical and legal aid. (nh/pk)

Source: Wprost, Gazeta Wyborcza
