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piątek, 27 września 2024 14:23
Reklama KD Market

PM Kopacz in Madrid for bilateral talks

Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz will travel to the Spanish capital to meet her Spanish counterpart Mariano Rajoy.

On Thursday, the two heads of government will discuss cooperation within the European Union, security issues, terrorism, immigration, the future of the Eurozone, as well as energy union.

In addition, during the visit the ministers of justice of Spain and Polish are to sign an agreement on legal assistance.

Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz will be joined by Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna, Justice Minister Borys Budka, Finance Minister Mateusz Szczurek and Infrastructure Minister Maria Wasiak.

Government spokesperson Cezary Tomczyk told the PAP news agency that Poland wants to take advantage of the Spanish experience regarding immigrants.

Poland has recently announced that it will take on around 2,000 asylum seekers from Syria and Eritrea as part of the EU plans to resettle refugees. (rg)

Source: IAR, PAP
