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piątek, 27 września 2024 14:27
Reklama KD Market

Prosecutors launch investigation into leaked documents

Polish authorities are looking into the source of a leak on Monday of sensitive documents related to the so-called “tape affair”.

The leak diminishes the importance of the institutions of the state said Sejm Speaker Radosław Sikorski, who was among the people involved in the case.

“The Prosecutor's Office is investigating the criminal activities of, in my opinion, an organised crime group that tried to influence the government, and perhaps worse. It's hard to have faith when data from these proceedings is leaked,” Sikorski, a former Foreign Minister said.

He added that he is counting on the fact that the prosecution “punishes those guilty of illegal recording and illegal publishing of data obtained in a criminal way”.

Renata Mazur from the District Prosecutor’s office in Warsaw’s Praga district said that documents published are authentic and included 13 volumes out of the 20 involved in the case.

The documents were published by a blogger and have been described as "the biggest leak from an investigation in Polish history." (rg)

Photo: Screenshot/
