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piątek, 27 września 2024 12:16
Reklama KD Market

Stalking a serious problem in Poland

Stalking is becoming an ever-more serious problem, with the crime evolving with the times.
In 2014, 13 victims of stalking tried to commit suicide. This was a significant increase over previous years.
Not only do stalkers follow their victims, but they also send numerous inappropriate text messages, and encroach on several personal boundaries on a personal and work level.
According to police officers who have investigated these cases, and put several stalkers behind bars, the crime is both becoming more prevalent in Poland, but stalking is itself evolving, the Rzeczpospolita daily said.
When such offenders see that by following a victim, they are not achieving the desired effect, they sometimes resort to more serious harassment.
This often includes, among others, burglaries, arson or beatings. According to statistics from the National Police Headquarters in 2014, nearly 3,500 cases of stalking were reported – an increase of around one and a half thousand over the previous year. (rg)
Source: PAP
Photo: Nygren
