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piątek, 27 września 2024 02:18
Reklama KD Market

Polish WWII resistance symbol protected

A resistance symbol propagated by Poland's underground Home Army (AK) during the Second World War is now protected under the Polish law. The so-called anchor (kotwica) was a key morale-booster during the Nazi Gernam occupation of Poland.

The new law, which came into force on 22 August, allows for fines for anyone who publicly denigrates the symbol, a measure that has been welcomed by resistance veterans. “I was nearly shot in May 1944 because of that symbol,” Professor Wojciech Wolski told the Polish Press Agency (PAP). Wolski, who is chairman of the Grey Ranks Association (Szare Szeregi), which groups together former underground scouts, recalled painting the symbol next to a German military police station in central Warsaw. A clandestine competition was held by the Polish Underground State for the best symbol in 1942, and the anchor first appeared on the streets of Warsaw that year. The symbol combines the letters P and W, short for Polska Walcząca (Fighting Poland). (nh)

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