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czwartek, 26 września 2024 23:17
Reklama KD Market

Polish embassy in Ukraine computers under Russian cyber attack

Ukrainian PM’s Office in Kiev plus 10 embassies in the Ukraine capital, including Poland’s, have been under cyber attack from hackers connected to Russia, UK media reports.

The Financial Times claims that the embassies and Ukraine government computer systems have been penetrated by the ‘Snake’ malware, also known as Ouroboros, the tail-swallowing serpent of Greek mythology.

Data from the Symantec security firm and intelligence officials indicates that the very sophisticated cyber attack – which has compromised highly sensitive information, says the newspaper - must have the support of a well resourced and state-backed group.
Symantec says in a report that 60 computers in “the office of the prime minister of a former Soviet Union member country” have been infected with the malware: the Financial Times has been told that country is Ukraine.

The cyber attack comes as a trade war intensifies between Russia and the West over responcibility for the worsening conflict in Ukraine. (pg)


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ReklamaDazzling Dentistry Inc; Małgorzata Radziszewski