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czwartek, 26 września 2024 23:09
Reklama KD Market

Priest says demon texting him after exorcism

A Roman Catholic priest has claimed that 'an evil spirit' is sending him text messages after he attempted to perform an exorcism on a teenage girl in Jaroslaw, south east Poland.

“The owners of mobile phones are often not even aware that they are being used like this, however in this case it is clear,” he told local paper Zycie Podkarpackie.

The 77-year-old clergyman has received several text messages from the teenager's phone.
“You pathetic old preacher, you won't last long,” one message apparently read.

“She will not come out of this hell. She’s mine. Anyone who prays for her will die.”
Father Rajchel stressed that the author of the texts is “not the person who is writing them.
“The author is an evil spirit who is operating through her,” he said.

Controversy was sparked in April this year when a priest, Father Stanislaw Malkowski, carried out an exorcism outside the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, on the fourth anniversary of the Smolensk air disaster.
However, the Polish Episcopate's press spokesman Father Jozef Kloch stressed the following week that the Church 'disapproved' of the priest's behaviour.


Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy

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