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czwartek, 26 września 2024 23:14
Reklama KD Market

Polish aid set to rebuild Gaza schools

The Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) has launched a money collection to aid the inhabitants of Gaza.

The gathered funds are to be used for the rebuilding of damaged schools and reconstruction of the water supply system, destroyed during the latest air raids and bombings.

“Half of Gaza’s inhabitants do not have access to drinking nor any other water,” said Janina Ochojska, head of the Polish Humanitarian Action.

“We are not able to assist those people on the spot at the moment due to the enforced blockade. But we hope this will end shortly, so we want to be ready,” she told Polish Radio.

The latest Palestinian-Israeli armed conflict has claimed the lives of more than 800 Palestinian civilians, leaving close to 5,000 wounded. Losses on the Israeli side have been estimated at forty. Some 120,000 Palestinians had to flee their homes as the conflict engulfed the Gaza region. (ss/jb)

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