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czwartek, 26 września 2024 18:25
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Illinois Manufacturers' Association Responds to Recent Job Losses

Springfield − In the wake of another dismal jobs report from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES), Greg Baise, CEO and president of the Illinois Manufacturers' Association released the following statement in reaction to recent manufacturing job losses from Colbert Packaging and GE Lighting.

"Another disappointing jobs report punctuates the dilemma Illinois has in keeping middle class jobs," Baise said.
"The General Assembly must act as soon as possible to fix the problems plaguing Illinois. This news is the latest example that government policies are destroying the manufacturing sector and our middle class jobs. The Illinois economy will continue to worsen until the state has a balanced budget and passes real economic development reforms that will get our economy moving again."

The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced an additional loss of 800 manufacturing jobs statewide in September, bringing the collective over-the-year decline to 12,000 jobs lost.

Baise addressed the City Club of Chicago in August and called on policymakers to act on five issues to help the manufacturing sector.
Get the state's fiscal house in order. We need to restrain spending, balance the budget and adopt pension reform.
Enact permanent workers' comp reform. It's time to push back union leaders, trial attorneys and special interests to say no more feeding off this system.
Reform the state's tax code. Start broadening the tax base and reinstating vital tax credits.
Overhaul property taxes. Stop shifting the tax burden onto commercial and industrial taxpayers.
Strengthen the education and workforce development system to ensure a pipeline of qualified workers for our economy.
The IMA and our partners at the Advancing Illinois Manufacturing Coalition (AIM) have specifically and repeatedly called for extensions of the Research & Development tax credit, Manufacturers Purchase Credit, and the Graphic Arts exemption. Unfortunately, the failure of the General Assembly to approve these extensions have forced jobs to leave Illinois.

About the Illinois Manufacturers' Association (IMA)
The Illinois Manufacturers' Association is the only statewide association dedicated exclusively to advocating, promoting and strengthening the manufacturing sector in Illinois. The IMA is the oldest and largest state manufacturing trade association in the United States, representing nearly 4,000 companies and facilities.
Photo: Justin Lane/EPA

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