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Fellow Illinoisans, last week, less than a week after the H-1B visa application period opened, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reached the annual cap for H-1B visas. Originally created to help bring temporary foreign workers with specialized skills to the U.S. to complement our existing workforce, the...
Zdrowie psychiczne jest priorytetem Federalny sekretarz pracy Marty Walsh pisze w poniższym  komentarzu pt. „Zdrowie psychiczne to zdrowie. Koniec, kropka!”, że zdrowie psychiczne musi być traktowane na równi z fizycznym. Dlatego chorzy psychicznie i osoby uzlażnione od substancji odurzających muszą mieć taki sam dostęp do opieki zdrowotnej i usług medycznych...
A new competition launched today will award a $100 million grant to a single proposal designed to help solve a critical problem affecting people, places, or the planet. The Foundation’s competition, called 100&Change, is open to organizations working in any field of endeavor anywhere. Applicants must identify both the...
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) sent a letter calling on Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner to take action at the state level to close a dangerous loophole in law that allows suspected terrorists to purchase guns in Illinois: “The horrific terror attacks in Paris, Colorado Springs, and San Bernardino have given...
Washinton, D.C. – U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) met June 21 with Senator Anna Maria Anders of Poland in his Capitol office to discuss the relationship between the United States and Poland and issues of mutual concern. “Illinois—and Chicago in particular—has long had a special relationship with Poland,” Durbin said....
AccuWeather Global Weather Center - January 19, 2016 - AccuWeather reports a major winter storm will hit the eastern United States with the potential for heavy snow to impact more than 50 million people at the end of the week. Areas from Charleston, West Virginia, and Roanoke, Virginia, to Washington,...
With concern rising about North Korea’s nuclear test yesterday, a majority of the American public—60 percent—continue to cite North Korea’s nuclear program as a critical threat to the United States, according to new polling data from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. This is an increase of five percentage...
Champaign, Illinois — A recent analysis of online conversations about President Obama’s proposed plan for tuition-free community colleges, America’s College Promise, indicates that a significant number of people oppose the plan because it lacks measures to help them and the millions of other borrowers currently mired in student loan...
You’ve heard about Newton’s laws regarding bodies at rest and bodies in motion. A 21st century corollary is to protect sensitive information when it’s at rest on your network and implement effective safeguards when it’s in motion – for example, when a customer transfers confidential data from their computer...
The Federal Trade Commission has charged a group of online marketers with deceptively luring consumers with “free” and “risk-free” trials for cooking gadgets, golf equipment, and access to related online subscription services. According to the FTC, the defendants asked people for their credit card information to cover shipping and handling,...