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piątek, 27 września 2024 18:17
Reklama KD Market

PiS announces new cabinet

The Law and Justice (PiS) party which won the 25 October general election has announced the names of its ministers.

In a press conference on Monday, PiS head Jarosław Kaczyński said Beata Szydło has been appointed Prime Minister.
“This is the wish of the party, voters and President Andrzej Duda,” Kaczyński said.
The recent media reports that Szydło would not take a key role in choosing the cabinet were “merely gossip, with no factual basis”.
Among the names put forward to head individual ministries are:
Defence Minister: Antoni Macierewicz
Health Minister: Konstanty Radziwiłł
Education Minister: Jarosław Gowin
Foreign Minister: Witold Waszczykowski
Justice Minister: Zbigniew Ziobro
Finance Minister: Paweł Szałamacha
