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poniedziałek, 23 grudnia 2024 11:11
Reklama KD Market

Papież: bieda i bezrobocie popychają ludzi do przestępstw

Papież Franciszek powiedział w niedzielę podczas wizyty w parafii położonej w peryferyjnej dzielnicy Rzymu, gdzie notuje się wysoki wskaźnik przestępczości, że to ubóstwo i bezrobocie popychają ludzi do łamania prawa i rzucają w ramiona mafii.

Na spotkaniu z radą parafialną w kościele w dzielnicy Tor Bella Monaca Franciszek mówił: “Kiedy ludzie czują wsparcie i akceptację, nie wpadają w sieci złoczyńców, mafiosów, którzy wykorzystują ubogich, by wykonywali dla nich brudną robotę”. “Kiedy policja ich znajduje, to łapie właśnie tych biednych ludzi, a nie mafiosów, którzy płacą za swoje bezpieczeństwo, wy to wiecie” - podkreślił papież zwracając się do wiernych.

Franciszek położył nacisk na potrzebę tego, by być blisko ludzi. „Nie możemy tylko powtarzać: +musisz to, musisz tamto+, potrzebna jest bliskość, która jest czułością, jakiej nauczył nas Jezus”.

Następnie papież dodał: „Czy chodzi też o bliskość wobec tego, kto zabił dwie, trzy osoby? Tak, zbliż się do niego, bo i on ma serce, a jest tyle niesprawiedliwości”. Jest ona dramatem - stwierdził.

Ocenił, że nie można walczyć z niesprawiedliwością „organizując manifestacje polityczne, po których idzie się na dobrą pizzę i piwo”. Konieczne są zdaniem Franciszka, konkretne gesty bliskości.

Odnosząc się do trudnej sytuacji mieszkańców cieszącej się ponurą sławą dzielnicy papież oświadczył: „Ludzie z Tor Bella Monaca są dobrzy, ale mają tylko jedną wadę, tę samą, którą miał Jezus, Maryja i Józef; ubóstwo". “Różnica jest jednak taka, że Józef i Jezus mieli pracę, podczas gdy tu wielu ludzi nie ma nawet co dać jeść swoim dzieciom, wy to wiecie” - powiedział Franciszek.

„Ludzie są dobrzy, ale są wystawieni na ciężkie próby, jakim jest bezrobocie. W ten sposób zmuszani są do tego, by czynić zło, bo społeczeństwo nie oferuje im innej drogi” - oznajmił papież. Podkreślił, że to sytuacja „przyciska ludzi do muru”.

Następnie w kazaniu w czasie mszy dla parafian Franciszek powiedział, że wierzący nie mogą „udawać świętych” i mieć „dwóch twarzy”. Taka osoba, jak wyjaśnił, udaje kogoś dobrego, chodzi na mszę w każdą niedzielę po to, by ukryć swoje grzechy. “Tak nie postępuje katolik, ale hipokryta” - ostrzegł papież.

Z Rzymu Sylwia Wysocka (PAP)

fot.Fabio Frustaci/EPA


Zamieszczone na stronach internetowych portalu materiały sygnowane skrótem „PAP” stanowią element Codziennego Serwisu Informacyjnego PAP, będącego bazą danych, którego producentem i wydawcą jest Polska Agencja Prasowa S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie. Chronione są one przepisami ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2001 r. o ochronie baz danych. Powyższe materiały wykorzystywane są przez Alliance Printers and Publishers na podstawie stosownej umowy licencyjnej. Jakiekolwiek ich wykorzystywanie przez użytkowników portalu, poza przewidzianymi przez przepisy prawa wyjątkami, w szczególności dozwolonym użytkiem osobistym, jest zabronione.

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

epaselect epa04654516 The Solar Impulse Two plane takes off for a trip around the world from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 09 March 2015. Solar Impulse 2 is the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel. An attempt at the first circumnavigation of the earth in a solar-powered airplane began in Abu Dhabi with Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg at the controls, the team said. Borschberg will take turns with fellow Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard to fly the Solar Impulse 2 in a trip that will take them around the world in a dozen legs until early August. Their aircraft weighs only as much as a large car, but the wings span as wide as a large passenger jet, and are covered with solar panels that power four propellers. Borschberg and Piccard have said they would use self-hypnosis and yoga to endure the long solo flights and the extreme changes in temperature. The trip will take the Solar Impulse 2 to Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The plane will then cross the Pacific to Hawaii and on to the US mainland. Following a flight across the Atlanic and over the Mediterranean region, the pilots are planning to return to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. EPA/ALI HAIDER



epa04654570 A handout photo made available by Jean Revillard of "Solar Impulse 2", a solar-powered airplane as it begins its historic round-the-world journey on March 09 2015 from Abu Dhabi, taking off at a speed of just 20 knots (36 kilometers per hour) from the tarmac of the Al Bateen Airport in the UAE capital city on the first leg of its 40,000-kilometer trip to Muscat, Oman -- some 500 kilometers to the east. EPA/JEAN REVILLARD HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

epa04654518 The Solar Impulse Two plane taxis to takeoff for a trip around the world from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 09 March 2015. Solar Impulse 2 is the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel. An attempt at the first circumnavigation of the earth in a solar-powered airplane began in Abu Dhabi with Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg at the controls, the team said. Borschberg will take turns with fellow Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard to fly the Solar Impulse 2 in a trip that will take them around the world in a dozen legs until early August. Their aircraft weighs only as much as a large car, but the wings span as wide as a large passenger jet, and are covered with solar panels that power four propellers. Borschberg and Piccard have said they would use self-hypnosis and yoga to endure the long solo flights and the extreme changes in temperature. The trip will take the Solar Impulse 2 to Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The plane will then cross the Pacific to Hawaii and on to the US mainland. Following a flight across the Atlanic and over the Mediterranean region, the pilots are planning to return to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. EPA/ALI HAIDER

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

epa04654519 The Solar Impulse Two plane taxis to takeoff for a trip around the world from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 09 March 2015. Solar Impulse 2 is the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel. An attempt at the first circumnavigation of the earth in a solar-powered airplane began in Abu Dhabi with Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg at the controls, the team said. Borschberg will take turns with fellow Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard to fly the Solar Impulse 2 in a trip that will take them around the world in a dozen legs until early August. Their aircraft weighs only as much as a large car, but the wings span as wide as a large passenger jet, and are covered with solar panels that power four propellers. Borschberg and Piccard have said they would use self-hypnosis and yoga to endure the long solo flights and the extreme changes in temperature. The trip will take the Solar Impulse 2 to Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The plane will then cross the Pacific to Hawaii and on to the US mainland. Following a flight across the Atlanic and over the Mediterranean region, the pilots are planning to return to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. EPA/ALI HAIDER BEST AVAILABLE QUALITY

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

epa04654516 The Solar Impulse Two plane takes off for a trip around the world from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 09 March 2015. Solar Impulse 2 is the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel. An attempt at the first circumnavigation of the earth in a solar-powered airplane began in Abu Dhabi with Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg at the controls, the team said. Borschberg will take turns with fellow Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard to fly the Solar Impulse 2 in a trip that will take them around the world in a dozen legs until early August. Their aircraft weighs only as much as a large car, but the wings span as wide as a large passenger jet, and are covered with solar panels that power four propellers. Borschberg and Piccard have said they would use self-hypnosis and yoga to endure the long solo flights and the extreme changes in temperature. The trip will take the Solar Impulse 2 to Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The plane will then cross the Pacific to Hawaii and on to the US mainland. Following a flight across the Atlanic and over the Mediterranean region, the pilots are planning to return to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. EPA/ALI HAIDER

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

epa04654506 The Solar Impulse Two plane prepares for takeoff for a trip around the world from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 09 March 2015. Solar Impulse 2 is the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel. An attempt at the first circumnavigation of the earth in a solar-powered airplane began in Abu Dhabi with Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg at the controls, the team said. Borschberg will take turns with fellow Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard to fly the Solar Impulse 2 in a trip that will take them around the world in a dozen legs until early August. Their aircraft weighs only as much as a large car, but the wings span as wide as a large passenger jet, and are covered with solar panels that power four propellers. Borschberg and Piccard have said they would use self-hypnosis and yoga to endure the long solo flights and the extreme changes in temperature. The trip will take the Solar Impulse 2 to Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The plane will then cross the Pacific to Hawaii and on to the US mainland. Following a flight across the Atlanic and over the Mediterranean region, the pilots are planning to return to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. EPA/ALI HAIDER

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

Solar Impulse 2 takes off

epa04654475 Solar Impulse 2 pilot Andre Borschberg is taking off from Al Bateen Executive Airport in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 09 March 2015. Solar Impulse 2, is the only solar single-seater airplane able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel. An attempt at the first circumnavigation of the earth in a solar-powered airplane began in Abu Dhabi with Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg at the controls, the team said. Borschberg will take turns with fellow Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard to fly the Solar Impulse 2 in a trip that will take them around the world in a dozen legs until early August. Their aircraft weighs only as much as a large car, but the wings span as wide as a large passenger jet, and are covered with solar panels that power four propellers. Borschberg and Piccard have said they would use self-hypnosis and yoga to endure the long solo flights and the extreme changes in temperature. The trip will take the Solar Impulse 2 to Oman, India, Myanmar and China. The plane will then cross the Pacific to Hawaii and on to the US mainland. Following a flight across the Atlanic and over the Mediterranean region, the pilots are planning to return to the capital of the United Arab Emirates. EPA/ALI HAIDER

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