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czwartek, 26 września 2024 20:28
Reklama KD Market

Civic Platform wins EP elections - final results

The ruling Civic Platform (PO) won 32.13 pct of votes in the Sunday EP elections. The right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) received 31.78 percent of the votes, the State Electoral Commission (PKW) announced on Monday. 

The Democratic Left Alliance-Union of Labour (SLD-UP) was backed by 9.44 percent of Poles.

The New Right Congress led by Janusz Korwin-Mikke won 7.15 percent of votes.

The Polish People's Party (PSL) won 6.80 percent of votes.

PiS and PO will have 19 EP seats each, SLD-UP - 5 seats, and the New Right Congress and PSL - 4 seats each.

Poland will have 51 seats in the European Parliament.

All other parties did not win EP seats as they fell short of the five percent threshold required for parliamentary representation.

Solidary Poland was backed by 3.98 percent of Poles, the Europe Plus Your Movement by 3.50 percent, Poland Together by 3.16 percent and the National Movement by 1.4 percent.

Voter turnout in the Sunday election reached 23.82 percent. (PAP)

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