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czwartek, 26 września 2024 20:29
Reklama KD Market

Energy union the right response to Russia's actions - Juncker

Introducing an energy union in Europe will be difficult and quite time-consuming, but it is the right response to the latest events in Ukraine and Russia's actions, former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker told PAP. 

Poland's proposal to form an energy union, though it has recently gained the support of France and Germany, will "be hard to implement," Juncker said.

Juncker declared that if he became the new EC head after the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, his efforts would be aimed at establishing an energy union in Europe as quickly as possible. Juncker is the European People's Party's candidate for European Commission president.

This is one of the most important and main priorities of the next EC, Juncker said, adding that he was pleased that Poland had come forward with this initiative. (PAP)

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