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The latest instalment in Poland's best-selling Witcher video game series was previewed in Los Angeles on Monday, together with news of it's additional Xbox One release. Game creators CD Projekt RED unveiled new footage from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, at Microsoft's E3 Xbox conference in the Californian city. Previously, the...
Sergeant Jan Kiepura died Monday morning after stepping on a roadside mine fiver kilometres from the Polish military base in Ghazni, eastern Afghanistan. The 35 year-old soldier, a member of the 1st battalion of the 21st Riflemens Brigade, who leaves behind a wife and two sons, was taking part in...
After months of speculation, Prime Minister Donald Tusk has finally ruled himself out of the race to become the next president of the European Commission. “Until 2015, I will be engaged in domestic affairs,” Tusk told the TVP public broadcaster on Monday evening when asked if he intended to run...