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wtorek, 1 października 2024 23:25
Reklama KD Market

Watykan. Nadzwyczajna modlitwa papieża Franciszka o zakończenie pandemii

Papież Franciszek przyszedł w piątek na opustoszały, zamknięty plac Świętego Piotra, by przed bazyliką watykańską modlić się o zakończenie pandemii koronawirusa. Na zakończenie tego nadzwyczajnego, sugestywnego wydarzenia udzieli błogosławieństwa Urbi et Orbi. Do tego specjalnego błogosławieństwa dołączona będzie możliwość otrzymania odpustu zupełnego. To bezprecedensowe wydarzenie, scena, jakiej świat nie widział - podkreślają watykaniści; papież modli się sam, bez wiernych, na całkowicie pustym placu, który od kilku tygodni jest zamknięty z powodu pandemii SARS-CoV-2. Na godzinną modlitwę przed bazyliką Świętego Piotra przywieziono pochodzący z XIV wieku krucyfiks z rzymskiego kościoła San Marcello al Corso, przed którym papież modlił się tam 15 marca w intencji ustania epidemii. W 1522 roku krucyfiks był niesiony w procesji pokutnej w Wiecznym Mieście w związku panującą wówczas epidemią dżumy. Z Rzymu Sylwia Wysocka (PAP) fot. VATICAN MEDIA HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Pope Francis celebrates a mass, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 26 Mar 2020

Pope Francis celebrates a mass, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 26 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Editorial use only. +++ HO - NO SALES, +++ HANDOUT /NO SALES
Mandatory Credit: Photo by VATICAN MEDIA HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10595733q)
A handout photo made available by Vatican Media shows Pope Francis delivering an extraordinary 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - from an empty St. Peter's Square, as a response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Vatican, 27 March 2020. The blessing was live streamed worldwide giving the possibility for the faithful connected to receive the plenary indulgence.
Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Editorial use only. +++ HO - NO SALES, +++ HANDOUT /NO SALES
Mandatory Credit: Photo by VATICAN MEDIA HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10595733m)
A handout photo made available by Vatican Media shows Pope Francis delivering an extraordinary 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - from an empty St. Peter's Square, as a response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Vatican, 27 March 2020. The blessing was live streamed worldwide giving the possibility for the faithful connected to receive the plenary indulgence.
Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Editorial use only. +++ HO - NO SALES, +++ HANDOUT /NO SALES
Mandatory Credit: Photo by VATICAN MEDIA HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10595733f)
A handout photo made available by Vatican Media shows Pope Francis delivering an extraordinary 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - from an empty St. Peter's Square, as a response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Vatican, 27 March 2020. The blessing was live streamed worldwide giving the possibility for the faithful connected to receive the plenary indulgence.
Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Mandatory Credit: Photo by VATICAN MEDIA HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10595733ad)
A handout photo made available by Vatican Media shows Pope Francis during an extraordinary 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - from an empty St. Peter's Square, as a response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Vatican, 27 March 2020. The blessing was live streamed worldwide giving the possibility for the faithful connected to receive the plenary indulgence.
Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020



Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

Mandatory Credit: Photo by VATICAN MEDIA HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10595733ab)
A handout photo made available by Vatican Media shows Pope Francis during an extraordinary 'Urbi et Orbi' blessing - normally given only at Christmas and Easter - from an empty St. Peter's Square, as a response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Vatican, 27 March 2020. The blessing was live streamed worldwide giving the possibility for the faithful connected to receive the plenary indulgence.
Pope Francis extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing during the coronavirus crisis, Vatican City, Vatican City State Holy See - 27 Mar 2020

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