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niedziela, 29 września 2024 16:27
Reklama KD Market

W. Brytania/Policja: zaginione nastolatki są w Syrii

Brytyjska policja oświadczyła we wtorek, że trzy nastolatki z Londynu, które zniknęły z domów w ubiegłym tygodniu, obecnie przebywają w Syrii, gdzie najpewniej spróbowały przyłączyć się do dżihadystycznej organizacji Państwo Islamskie.

Trzy przyjaciółki: 15-letnia Amira Abase, 15-letnia Szamima Begum i 16-letnia Kadiza Sultana poleciały z Londynu do Stambułu 17 lutego.

"Funkcjonariusze prowadzący śledztwo w sprawie zaginięcia trzech uczennic ze wschodniego Londynu mają powody sądzić, że dziewcząt nie ma już w Turcji, lecz przekroczyły granicę z Syrią" - poinformowała w komunikacie policja. Więcej szczegółów nie podano, lecz wskazano, że kontynuowana jest współpraca z tureckimi władzami w tej sprawie.

Zaginięcie dziewcząt wywołało zaniepokojenie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Premier David Cameron wezwał operatorów portali społecznościowych, aby czynili więcej w kwestii radzenia sobie z ekstremizmem w sieci. Wydaje się, że nastoletnie Brytyjki radykalizowały się w swoich pokojach, przeglądając internet - dodał szef rządu.

Cameron wskazał również, że linie lotnicze potrzebują nowych systemów w celu weryfikowania osób niepełnoletnich podróżujących samodzielnie. (PAP)



Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

epa04630026 A handout photograph made available by the London Metropolitan Police Service(MPS) on 20 February 2015 showing Shamima Begum one of three schoolgirls at Gatwick Airport, southern England, 17 February 2015 who have been reported missing and are believed to be making their way to Syria. The three girls, Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and A third 15-year-old girl who is not being named at the request of her family, are close friends, and were last seen on the morning of 17 February 2015 at their home addresses in east London. They left their homes before 08:00hrs GMT providing their families with plausible reasons as to why they would be out for the day. Instead they met and travelled to Gatwick airport. They boarded a Turkish Airlines flight, TK1966, which departed at 12:40hrs to Istanbul, Turkey and landed at 18:40hrs local time. EPA/LONDON METROPLITAN POLICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

epa04630027 A handout photograph made available by the London Metropolitan Police Service(MPS) on 20 February 2015 showing Kadiza Sultana one of three schoolgirls at Gatwick Airport, southern England, 17 February 2015 who have been reported missing and are believed to be making their way to Syria. The three girls, Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and A third 15-year-old girl who is not being named at the request of her family, are close friends, and were last seen on the morning of 17 February 2015 at their home addresses in east London. They left their homes before 08:00hrs GMT providing their families with plausible reasons as to why they would be out for the day. Instead they met and travelled to Gatwick airport. They boarded a Turkish Airlines flight, TK1966, which departed at 12:40hrs to Istanbul, Turkey and landed at 18:40hrs local time. EPA/LONDON METROPLITAN POLICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

epa04630028 A handout photograph made available by the London Metropolitan Police Service(MPS) on 20 February 2015 showing one of three schoolgirls at Gatwick Airport, southern England, 17 February 2015 who have been reported missing and are believed to be making their way to Syria. The three girls, Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and A third 15-year-old girl who is not being named at the request of her family, are close friends, and were last seen on the morning of 17 February 2015 at their home addresses in east London. They left their homes before 08:00hrs GMT providing their families with plausible reasons as to why they would be out for the day. Instead they met and travelled to Gatwick airport. They boarded a Turkish Airlines flight, TK1966, which departed at 12:40hrs to Istanbul, Turkey and landed at 18:40hrs local time. EPA/LONDON METROPLITAN POLICE / HANDOUT FACE PIXELATED AT REQUEST OF FAMILY HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

Appeal to trace three teenaged girls believed to have travelled to Syria

epa04631675 A handout combo photograph made available by the London Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 21 February 2015 showing (L-R) Kadiza Sultana, Amira Abase and Shamima Begum the three schoolgirls who have been reported missing and are believed to be making their way to Syria. The three girls, Shamima Begum, Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase, are close friends, and were last seen on the morning of 17 February 2015 at their home addresses in east London. They left their homes before 08:00hrs GMT providing their families with plausible reasons as to why they would be out for the day. Instead they met and travelled to Gatwick airport. They boarded a Turkish Airlines flight, TK1966, which departed at 12:40hrs to Istanbul, Turkey and landed at 18:40hrs local time. EPA/LONDON METROPLITAN POLICE / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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