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czwartek, 26 września 2024 23:09
Reklama KD Market

Polish archbishop defrocked in child abuse case

The Vatican has defrocked former papal nuncio to the Dominican Republic Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski over child abuse claims.

A statement released by the Vatican clarified that only the first phase of the case has been completed and that “all measures appropriate to the seriousness of the case will be taken against the former nuncio.”

No details were provided by the Vatican's doctrinal congregation on the first part of the canonical process against Wesolowski.

The former nuncio's tenure was suspended in August 2013 after allegations emerged that the archbishop had abused boys in the Dominican Republic.

Wesolowski is the highest ranking Church official ever to be investigated for child abuse.

Over the last two years, the Roman Catholic Church in Poland has struggled to cope with a wave of coverage given to cases of paedophilia involving clergyman.

On Friday 21 June, leading members of the Church held a penitential mass in Krakow over the sins of clergymen in the sphere of child abuse. (nh)

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ReklamaDazzling Dentistry Inc; Małgorzata Radziszewski